Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

JED's American Bistro (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") strives to manage and protect personal information in accordance with the following standards. The Privacy Policy applies when you use our services over the Internet.

Compliance with related laws, guidelines, etc.

Regarding the handling of personal information acquired by the Company, we comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines such as guidelines on the protection of personal information, and other related laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information.

Purpose of use of personal information

Personal information entered from the website is managed and operated by the Company.
Our service is to provide guidance on our services, etc., and information from the Company.
Personal information of those who apply for the Company's job openings.
Personal information provided by the Company in connection with our business activities.
Personal information entrusted to us by our business partners for reporting, contacting, and consulting necessary for our business activities.
Personal information entrusted to us by our business partners for each transaction.
To carry out work related to the customer's marketing and promotional activities.
Provision of personal information to third parties

We will not disclose or provide personal information provided by our customers to third parties, except in the following cases.

When disclosing information in order to respond to or respond to customer inquiries or requests When inheriting a business due to a business transfer such as a merger, absorption, or partial sale, or when transferring the business to an acquirer as described above.
To the extent that it is necessary for the purpose of use listed above, when a company that performs operations on behalf of our company requires the information, when required by laws and regulations, or when provision to a third party is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act.
If the customer has given their consent.


We may outsource personal information to outside parties to the extent necessary to carry out our business. When outsourcing, we will select a business operator that meets the safety standards set by our company based on our selection criteria, and will appropriately manage and supervise the outsourced company.

Safety management of personal information

We take appropriate organizational, physical, human, and technical measures (to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage) regarding the personal information provided by us and the personal information we receive from our business partners. We will implement corrective safety measures) and continuously maintain and improve our personal information protection system.

Voluntary provision of personal information and consequences of not providing it.

Providing personal information to us is voluntary. Please note that users are responsible for the content of their personal information. However, if the information is not provided or the required items are missing, we may not be able to respond to your request.

Inquiries regarding personal information, etc.

If a person who has provided personal information to our company wishes to disclose, correct, add to, delete, or stop using that personal information, please contact the reception desk using the method below. In accordance with laws regarding personal information, etc., we will respond promptly to the extent necessary.
For inquiries, please contact:here

Regarding changes to terms and conditions, etc.

Providing personal information to us is voluntary. Please note that users are responsible for the content of their personal information. However, if the information is not provided or the required items are missing, we may not be able to respond to your request.

Voluntary provision of personal information and consequences of not providing it.

We will change this privacy policy if we deem it necessary. However, if the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations stipulate necessary procedures for revision, revisions will be made in accordance with those laws and regulations.

Update date: February 1, 2024